Popular articles in the military ID - decoding 18b, 14b, 62, 13, 20b, etc.

My husband has a military ID, and I always wondered what was encrypted on it. There are many different columns, but apart from small entries and short transcripts, nothing is clear. As it turns out, I’m not the only one who is curious and doesn’t really understand how important it is to know the decoding of the articles on a military ID. I have many acquaintances, including young people, who have never seen a military service at all, and have no idea about its contents.

Not that this is very necessary knowledge, but accurate information is always useful. In general, I decided to look into this issue very carefully. As a result, I got a small tablet with transcripts, which I will share with readers.

Article 20b in the military ID

For example, Article 1B means that the conscript did not undergo military service due to the presence of intestinal infections or parasitic diseases that are difficult to treat. However, please remember that the 2020 illness schedule may not be consistent with previous editions. The version valid in 2013-2014 is available at this link.

Is it listed legally?

Deciphering an article, especially if it is related to mental illness (No. 14...20), can bring a lot of problems to the owner of such a “tagged” military ID. Various kinds of difficulties may arise when applying for a job or when obtaining a driver's license(s).

Moreover, not every person who has been declared unfit for service, and it does not matter whether he feigned illness or not, will agree for his health status to be known to third parties - after all, when applying for a job, this information may be available to department employees personnel (HR), as well as, for example, bank employees when applying for a loan, if you use a military ID as an additional document.

Indicating the article number on a military ID is ILLEGAL . Clause 4 of Article 8 of the Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” establishes a list of information that must be indicated on a military ID; more details are here; of course, there is no article number in it. Moreover, Article 13 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” directly states that information about the fact that a citizen has applied for medical help, his diagnoses and other information is a medical secret.

What to do if the article is indicated on the military ID?

Taking into account the above, you understand that the actions of the military registration and enlistment office are illegal, so you can submit an application, which is drawn up in free form, with a request to replace the military ID, since it contains information that constitutes medical confidentiality and its incorrect execution, referring to the previously mentioned articles.

If you do not receive a positive response from the military registration and enlistment office, then file a claim in court.

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Is it possible to remove Article 20b in 2020

from the Law on Health Care: “The information contained in medical documentation constitutes a medical secret and can be provided without the patient’s consent only on the grounds provided for by legislative acts.” Article 7B is information about health status and constitutes medical confidentiality. further, from the Labor Code: “citizens are required to present military registration documents to the employer when concluding an employment contract.” It turns out that information constituting medical confidentiality is included in a publicly available(.) document. and most importantly: the provision on a military ID does not provide for the inclusion of records containing information about health status - see paragraph 10: https://pravo.kulichki.com/zak2007/bz18/dcm18028.htm therefore, if the question of recording Article 7B in a military ID is fundamental - you can try to get the document replaced based on the reasoning outlined above. but at the same time, the diagnosis will still remain somewhere in the file cabinet. :: Was this information helpful to you? Yes | No

We have a different article on the ticket, but: if we come to the military registration and enlistment office and ask (in what form, in the form of an application, if “yes” then in whose name?) to remove the article from the military record, on the basis of clause 10, it seems to me they will refer to paragraph 10.5 on medical examinations, moreover, in the military ID itself on page 19 “information about medical. surveys" there is a column ". according to Art.. gr. .. illness schedules” - is it really possible not to indicate anything there?


Good day everyone! I really want to talk. I live with a diagnosis of F20.01, that is, paranoid schizophrenia with a paroxysmal type of course, the defect is increasing. It all started when I was 6-7 years old. I heard strange voices, saw some shadows. And one night a sphere flew to me and revealed the formula for making a psychonic modulator. I told my mother about this, and she took me to the doctor. Since then, my life has changed forever. I often woke up at night with the thought that someone wanted to steal my notes and drawings to create a psychonic modulator. It seems to me that someone is moving things in my room in my absence. Once I asked my father to nail all the furniture to the floor, he refused, as a result of which I was constantly depressed by moving around the room. My left foot also bothers me.

Military ID article 20 b

I often hear crunching and crackling noises in it, I'm afraid of becoming disabled. Research hasn't revealed anything, but I don't trust doctors. Now I’m 23, I’m an ordinary guy, not mentally retarded, as some are inclined to believe, my worldview is just different. I have been prescribed various medications: antipsychotics, antidepressants (Zyprex, Lamictal, etc.) My illness alternates between acute attacks and remissions. Now, just in remission. However, I feel that it will end soon. I think I'm developing a pretty bad obsessive-compulsive disorder. My closet bothers me; it always seems like someone is sitting in the drawers and tapping on the other side. I asked my parents to move the closet from my room, but this did not save the situation, apparently the problem is deeper, maybe someone is walled up in the wall, I don’t know. I don’t give up hope of someday creating a psychonic modulator, I think this is my calling, with its help I can help people with the same problems as me. In general, I am very reasonable and not dangerous to society, but I have few friends, many consider me strange. I would like to receive moral support, or maybe there are people with schizophrenia here too?

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Home » Popular questions about conscription for military service in 2018, medical examination, deferments and answers to them » Article in the military ID - transcript

Article in the military ID: decoding, is it legal?

Many citizens who have not served are wondering what this incomprehensible inscription like “Article 18b”, “Article 14b” is on the military ID - why is it needed and what does it mean and whether the military registration and enlistment office legally indicates it there. Let's figure this out.

Where can I find out the interpretation and diagnosis?

The indicated number and letter are the corresponding article of the disease schedule and its item. For example, Article 1B means that the conscript did not undergo military service due to the presence of intestinal infections or parasitic diseases that are difficult to treat.

InternetAmbulanceMedical portal

I found a publication on the Internet where a person with a higher education was discharged from the army after six months of service for 20b mental retardation.
The negative impact of having an article on a military ID mainly affects people who tried to evade military service by choosing to do so with serious illnesses.

Is this really possible? open I have art. 20B in my military ID. They don't hire me. Is it possible to remove this article? If so, how? open the article on my military ID 20b, can I get a job look at my article 20b I can’t pass the medical examination for a license, help me, I need a license very urgently, I have a small child with a car, it would be easier for me to open what needs to be done to remove the article” 20b" so that you can get the rights to open (2 more messages) June 10, 2020

/ Alexander... how to remove article 20b from a military ID. Where should I go please tell me. watch hello my name is Victor I had a problem when I was in first grade I studied poorly and I was referred to a psychiatrist and I was registered when I... open .

examination in your PND, including an intelligence test that will show a level above 70 - your mental retardation will be canceled (Article 20b, if you will), but you will still have an organic disorder with cognitive decline and a contraindication to driving.

watch Good afternoon. Doctor, I wrote to you about article 20b. Please answer why people who studied in boarding schools put up an article. After all, there are many reasons why they ended up there. Not because of backwardness, and even if there are many reasons for backwardness, there are also many reasons for this. Doctor, here I am. open . -psychiatric examination, including an intelligence test, if IQ is above 80 - then there are no grounds for mental retardation and Article 20b. Your question at the dispensary - - or give me permission to work - - or issue me a disability (since I » .


Article 20b in the military ID

However, please remember that the 2020 illness schedule may not be consistent with previous editions. The version valid in 2013-2014 is available at this link.

Is it listed legally?

Deciphering an article, especially if it is related to mental illness (No. 14...20), can bring a lot of problems to the owner of such a “tagged” military ID. Various kinds of difficulties may arise when applying for a job or when obtaining a driver's license(s).

Moreover, not every person who has been declared unfit for service, and it does not matter whether he feigned illness or not, will agree for his health status to be known to third parties - after all, when applying for a job, this information may be available to department employees personnel (HR), as well as, for example, bank employees when applying for a loan, if you use a military ID as an additional document.

Indicating the article number on a military ID is ILLEGAL . Clause 4 of Article 8 of the Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” establishes a list of information that must be indicated on a military ID; more details are here; of course, there is no article number in it. Moreover, Article 13 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation” directly states that information about the fact that a citizen has applied for medical help, his diagnoses and other information is a medical secret.

What to do if the article is indicated on the military ID?

Taking into account the above, you understand that the actions of the military registration and enlistment office are illegal, so you can submit an application, which is drawn up in free form, with a request to replace the military ID, since it contains information that constitutes medical confidentiality and its incorrect execution, referring to the previously mentioned articles.

If you do not receive a positive response from the military registration and enlistment office, then file a claim in court.

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Medical Contraindications for driving are visual impairments, as well as diseases of the nervous system. In terms of vision To drive a vehicle, it is necessary that the certificate indicate the appropriate vision indicators.

This includes significant disruption of the functioning of the endocrine system. 13A implies the presence of pathologies of the endocrine system that interfere with the functioning of the entire body. Deviations may affect the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, parathyroid and gonads.

I myself took the test in 2012 and such questions and problems did not arise because there were no categories A1 and M and you could immediately sit down to even a liter.

The candidate submits an application at the military commissariat department. The head of the department of the military commissariat reviews the accepted application and gives appropriate instructions on conducting a preliminary medical examination, professional and psychological selection measures, checking the level of education, professional and physical training. In the future, there is an opportunity to study in.

The entire commission said that my indicators are the same as 4 years ago, I am not attentive and they will not give me a license. Come back in a year for a re-examination.

In this case, there is a government order that indicates that putting article numbers in this document is not legal.

Some who did not serve in the army, however, have a military ID with incomprehensible digital codes. These numbers can become a hindrance when applying for a job or obtaining a license. Let's try to understand these secret designations.

The number of candidates arriving is reported to the district personnel department. At the same time, candidates intended to fill positions for which, in accordance with the nomenclature of positions, access to state secrets is provided, give written obligations to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets.

Diagnosis 20 b on the military ID

In your situation, if you do not want to be bound by this article in the future, the only way out is a medical re-examination in order to have this article removed from you. Useful articles September 05, 2003 | 12:09 Emotional mental disorders. Emotions are a necessary and very important aspect of human mental activity. Every step we take is necessarily emotionally charged. There are no indifferent things. If we say that “it doesn’t matter to me” or “I don’t care,” then this is never completely true. Everything in the world has a pleasant or unpleasant emotional connotation. November 08, 2006 | 14:11 Sudden illness - punishment for sins Doctors have established: the cause of most diseases is not in physiology, but in the psyche

How is Article 20b correctly deciphered on a military ID?

C), without the right to work Epilepsy and syncope for hire; Alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse (allowed to remain in remission) ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY EXPERIMENTAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDY of cars, Borderline mental retardation intended and mental retardation for the transportation of goods (individually, the total weight of which re-examined exceeds 3500 kg after three years) (category C); Epilepsy and syncope Alcoholism, drug addiction, substance abuse (allowed with sustained remission after special treatment, in the absence of personality degradation and somatoneurological disorders, the issue of admission is decided individually upon presentation of a positive reference - a petition from the place of work and information about behavior at the place of residence from the internal affairs bodies.

Psychiatrist → consultations

If we are not talking about technical personnel.

  • Naturally, if in the future a man expresses a desire to go to serve, this will be impossible.
  • Go to study at a higher institution, get a good specialty.
  • In fact, if such a stamp is received by a person who does not pretend to have such a dangerous and serious disease, then he is unlikely to need something like that.
    However, when a guy once refused to serve and managed to get away with it, then with such a stigma, the problem will certainly become significant. There is no guarantee that a man will not change his mind after a couple of years to salute his homeland, and removing such a mark will be problematic, as well as clearing himself of such characteristics. Is it possible to change or remove an article According to experts, it is simply impossible to remove an article with such a disease from a military ID.

Group 1 article 20b

What could be the consequences in the future? Having learned what such a diagnosis means, even without consulting a doctor, you understand that such a mark on a military ID will not remain without further consequences:

  1. Such a terrible diagnosis, in ordinary civilian life, threatens that a man will never be able to obtain the right to drive any vehicle. At the first examination, he will not even be allowed to undergo a medical examination.
  2. The ban also applies to permission to carry weapons. Indeed, with such diseases, it is difficult to understand what this will lead to.
  3. Such a stamp will never allow you to get a good job in government agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service.

The influence of articles on later life

Every person knows what medical confidentiality means - the patient’s diagnosis is strictly confidential. However, the military commission is not guided by such a rule. About 5 years ago, the authorities changed the law regarding recording an accurate diagnosis on a military ID. Now, after a medical examination, a special number and letter are assigned.

At the same time, difficulties began to arise when obtaining rights and permits for weapons or holding a certain position. Such difficulties befell not only military personnel and conscripts, but also those who tried in every possible way to avoid joining the army. In past years, no one thought about this and did not miss the opportunity to “slope”. Even the doctors and specialists present at the military registration and enlistment office during the medical examination readily and with a sense of humor included a diagnosis on the military ID, which the conscript diligently feigned. At this time, the laws gradually changed, and numbers and letters assigned to military personnel reduced opportunities in a person’s life.

A military ID is like a passport in every man’s life. Some qualified doctors in a specialized field will not accept patients who are not in the military. The doctor checks the presence of an article in his direction in the military ID.

The most undesirable entries that can be recorded on a military ID indicate the following diseases:

  • Mental disorders;
  • Disorders of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Mental retardation.

The listed pathologies prevent a person from obtaining a driver’s license or a position at work, and this also applies to carrying a weapon.

Therefore, most thematic forums are filled with questions about how a conscript can remove a certain article from his military ID.

Article 20b

November 12, 2007 | 10:11


Schizophrenia from Ivan the Terrible to Stalin According to statistics, schizophrenia is one of the most common mental illnesses on Earth, affecting every hundred people. Imagine: 60 million and all schizophrenics! In modern psychiatry, a group of about 20 similar diseases is combined under this name.

Mental illnesses in the presence of a disability group, in other cases individually Alcoholism, substance abuse, drug addiction (allowed to remain in remission) ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY EXPERIMENTAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL STUDY of cars, full weight Borderline mental retardation of which does not exceed 3500 and mental retardation kg, and the number of seats, (individually, in addition to the driver's seat, examination in 8 (category B), with the right to three years) hired work, Epilepsy and syncope, tractors and other Alcoholism, drug addiction, self-propelled machines; substance abuse (allowed in stable remission after special treatment, in the absence of personality degradation and somatoneurological disorders, the issue of admission is resolved individually upon presentation of a positive reference - a petition from the place of work and information about behavior at the place of residence from the internal affairs bodies.

A somnologist deals with sleep disorders such as insomnia. For circadian disordersmore details Good afternoon! Should I take antidepressants? I often want to cry, I’m rarely in a good mood, almost every little thing upsets me, depression, monotony, not confident in my own

Article 20b in the military ID decoding

but some time passed, the doctor told me from the commission you can’t pull the article not for the second time until I was over 18 years of age! and after that! It's been more than five years! I came to the PND and asked to undergo a medical check! This is what they answered me! It's not a cold, it can't be cured! and that this is for life! and I am diagnosed with mental retardation! Collapse Victoria Dymova Support employee Pravoved.ru Similar questions have already been considered, try looking here:

  • Is it possible to study for a license if you haven’t served in the army, but your military ID says Art. 20b gr.

Determination of the diagnosis received at the meeting of the IMC

The military commissariat issues an order and, if necessary, issues military transportation documents. An extract from the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation received by the department of the military commissariat is the basis for removing a citizen who is in the reserve from the military register.

The local doctor refused to talk about the topic of a driver’s license, saying that “it’s not allowed,” and that “the district emergency department won’t help either.”

If the military registration and enlistment office refuses, you can request an examination through the court. We should not forget: if the re-examination removes the article, and the conscript is not 27 years old at that time, then he will have to join the army.

The local doctor refused to talk about the topic of a driver’s license, saying that “it’s not allowed,” and that “the district emergency department won’t help either.”

I received a military ID with group B - limited fitness for military service, can I drive a vehicle (car)?

Category “a” of Article 20 indicates a severe form of mental retardation, which is detected even without a special examination in a hospital.

Previously, everything was clear: if there is category “E”, I can drive any vehicle with a trailer with the main categories open.

The word “others” in this case is explained by the fact that some pathologies of the endocrine system fall under Article 12, namely euthyroid goiter. All remaining pathologies fall under Article 13.

If the health condition meets fitness category “B”, the conscript receives a military ID and is considered liable for military service and in the reserve. In a separate column of the military ID, the diagnosis is indicated, coded as a number.

And where in the license is there a note that you can only drive a category “B” car with an automatic transmission if you studied and passed exams in a car with an automatic transmission.

Psychiatrist-Psychotherapist, Neurologist, Forensic Psychiatric Expert. Add. Certificate: “Narcology”.

Article 20 Schedule of illnesses

Often, decoding a military ID, an article whose categories mean nothing to an ordinary person, is necessary in situations where a citizen gets a job or is preparing to go to school. Understanding what is contained in personal documents is very important. After all, you will need a military ID when entering a university, and when receiving a foreign passport, etc.

Therefore, in this article we will try to talk about how the still mysterious alphabetic and numerical abbreviations are deciphered, under which the articles and categories of the military ID are hidden.

How to remove an article in Ukraine

But the husband passed this procedure with honor. But what happened to the psychiatrist... The fact is that the spouse was asked for a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office, under which article he was “excluded” from the army. Looking at the note, the psychiatrist said that behind the alphanumeric code there was hidden banal dementia. And with this, they are not allowed to drive.

When martial law is introduced, all the forces of the military commissariats will be directed to the prompt collection of contingents and their redistribution. There is simply no time to clarify the nuances associated with the identified disease. Therefore, in a certain column, the fitness category and the corresponding diagnosis are indicated in the form of the article number and subparagraph.

Decoding a military ID

The military ID contains the following information about the person liable for military service:

  • last name and first name, date and place of birth, profession, name of educational institution, sports category;
  • conclusion of the military commission;
  • service marks;
  • awards, class, merit;
  • position, rank, military specialization;
  • marks of injuries;
  • list of entrusted property;
  • height, head circumference, gas mask size;
  • shoe size;
  • information about deregistration and registration;
  • information about taking the oath. The mark is made by the chief of staff of the military unit, indicating the date, month and year of acceptance.

Decoding the fitness category in the military ID

For the correct recruitment of recruits into the army or the organization of admission to military educational institutions, appropriate fitness categories have been developed. With their help, the possibility of service in general and in certain types and types of units in particular will be determined. These are the following categories:

  • “A” - completely healthy and can serve in any units;
  • “A1” - had illnesses, but not too serious, therefore fit and can serve;
  • “A2” - fit with restrictions, as he suffered a serious injury or serious illness;
  • "B" - can serve with some restrictions. Have health problems;
  • “B” - fit for service, but with restrictions. After receiving a military specialty, a citizen is released from peacetime service and enlisted in the reserves. In case of war, subject to conscription for military service;
  • "G" - temporarily unable to perform military service. He may recover in the future. Receives a deferment for a period of six months to a year, with an extension until the age when he is no longer subject to conscription;
  • “D” - not fit for service. This category prohibits conscription, and the citizen is completely exempt from military service. A mark indicating complete unfitness is made on the military ID, and a corresponding stamp is placed on the passport.

It is quite possible that a citizen will be able to undergo comprehensive treatment for the disease that is indicated on the military ID in order to try to become a military personnel again and change the category. The military medical examination provides for a repeated examination within the time limits established by law. If during this period the reasons for exemption from military service have been eliminated, then the citizen can be called up on a general basis.

Those wishing to get rid of and change the assigned fitness category in a military ID should constantly monitor updates in legislative norms and the list of diseases, since the requirements are periodically revised by authorized bodies.

Correct interpretation of diagnostic results

There is no clear answer to the question of how to get rid of a record of illness that a male conscript feigned. You need to think about your action in advance and make the right decision so as not to visit various installations in the future. For example, many young people love to feign mental illness by becoming suicidal.

Ultimately, people with the diagnosis do not find normal work. Therefore, to remove the article, a second medical examination will be required. It is not uncommon for the judiciary to be involved in resolving this issue. And sometimes things go differently.

If the pathology is real, then the diagnosis must be entered on the military ID. In most cases, men are not aware of what the numbers and letters in their documents mean and do not attach much importance to it. After some time, the received diagnosis interferes with the circumstances listed above in the life of a citizen.

This is where the disease brought into the military service after a medical examination comes up. But what if the article does not correspond to the real state of affairs? If a long time passes, it will be difficult to refute the received record.

Basically, future conscripts are more concerned about what category of fitness for military service in Russia the military commission will assign them than the article. However, in both cases it is necessary to undergo a medical examination to determine fitness and the presence of diseases.

Employees of the military commissariat send a summons indicating the exact date and place of arrival to undergo a medical examination. A person is required to attend an examination to check his or her health status. At the end of the procedure, the doctor assigns the conscript a fitness category and an article symbolizing some features of the body of the person undergoing the commission, if any.

Let's give a clear example. The conscript is given an article with the number 66 and the letter B. This indicates the presence of spinal curvatures and other problems of the musculoskeletal system. The main thing is to correctly decipher the characteristics of the assigned pathology, which does not depend on the manifested complexity.

It will take a long time to cure the disease. The article in the military service actually transfers the citizen to the group of those who are limitedly fit for service in the military forces of the Russian Federation. It will be difficult to “appeal” such a verdict in court, so the best option is to begin treatment therapy from the moment of diagnosis.

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