DIY injector tuning

On my own tuning – these are actions aimed at improving a number of characteristics of the car: appearance, comfortable conditions in the cabin and improving driving performance. Typically, all this work is carried out with standard factory-made car models, produced in large quantities and having the same, far from the best, parameters.

Recently, do-it-yourself car tuning has become popular. Everyone who seeks to modify their own car wants to see it endowed with a unique and unforgettable appearance. Among professional performers, this activity is called external car tuning, which involves performing a wide variety of operations of varying complexity. As a result of the efforts made, the vehicle becomes completely unrecognizable among numerous similar vehicles.

Little by little, cars from the “classic” family are becoming a thing of the past, including the VAZ 2107, whose production was closed in 2011. But this absolutely does not mean that the brand will soon be forgotten; on the contrary, there are all the prerequisites that the “Seven” will be seen on the roads for many more decades. The fact that this model has already become a classic contributed to the popularization of the trend: tuning vases with your own hands and made it an excellent springboard for various modifications and improvements, because today working on a “classic” is akin to a certain ritual.

The simplest solution is to do the tuning of the VAZ 2107 with your own hands, which can make changes to the appearance of the car - equipping the body and headlights with a variety of overlays. The next level of complexity is considered to be airbrushing - applying original drawings to a car. And, finally, replacing the standard plastic body kit with a sports one - installing aerodynamic elements: a spoiler or a wing. However, it is not at all necessary that everything be done just by replacing the radiator grille and bumper; do-it-yourself tuning of the 2107 involves modifications, including vital components.

Engine modification

Refining the engine or tuning the VAZ 2107 in this unit is considered a relatively inexpensive activity, but as a result of these actions it is quite possible to obtain a significant increase in power indicators. It is not difficult to explain: the factory design of engines is not particularly accurate, and numerous technological deviations are not uncommon in them, already included in the nameplate power of the engine. After eliminating these flaws and inaccuracies, and introducing your own or someone else’s developments, it is quite possible to achieve significantly superior power compared to the factory version, a significantly longer engine life and its characteristics.

Carburetor modification

Tuning the carburetor helps to significantly improve the performance of the car. These works do not require as much financial resources as work with the power unit. Another noticeable advantage of such actions taken by a car enthusiast is the immediate achievement of a positive result.

Suspension modifications

When the time comes to consider the issue of comfort and reliability of control, the first thing you need to think about is improving the suspension, especially if you are considering tuning the 2107 car, because for production VAZ cars, improving the suspension will not only not harm, for them it is even desirable. The main thing is to take into account the need for an integrated approach to tuning the suspension and the car as a whole.

The rear suspension springs are not stiff enough. Alternatively, you can install parts from Niva. Not only do they fit great, but they also have great staying power. Thus, the car will be endowed with “sporting” qualities. That is why it is important that a car with such characteristics is successfully combined with changes in the engine, interior and appearance.

Interior improvements

If we take into account the classic design of the Lada, then every second owner who wants to tune a VAZ 2107 car has a desire to bring its appearance to perfection, to make it unique. If you figure it out, it’s not difficult, the main thing is to clearly understand what needs to be done and strictly follow the order of work.

Below you can watch a video about tuning a VAZ 2107.

So, then there is a proposal to consider in more detail the actions being taken to make changes to the appearance and design of all the above-mentioned components in order.

Engine tuning 2107

The car engine is undoubtedly the main component of the vehicle. And tuning in relation to it is aimed, first of all, at increasing power. This, in turn, causes the crankshaft to work intensively with increasing speed, which means there is a need to ensure ideal balancing of the parts in the crank mechanism. Possible weight in parts should be reduced to zero. Particular attention should be paid to the camshaft. By expanding the overlap phase, it is possible to achieve motor power of up to 30%, and this is quite a noticeable increase.

Of course, you still have to work hard to reduce the weight of the flywheel - during a sharp increase in speed, it takes power away from the engine. The next mandatory step will be the installation of special nozzles responsible for forced lubrication of the piston and cylinder. In addition to increasing durability and reducing the coefficient of friction, this action will also have a beneficial effect on improving the temperature regime of the piston head.

Leaving the cylinder head of a VAZ-2107 untouched in order to carry out a full engine tuning is out of the question. Runs here:

  • Expansion of inlet and outlet channels.
  • The diameter of the valves is being increased; it is advisable to replace their heads with more wear-resistant titanium ones.
  • If the head channels are enlarged, logically the cross-section of the channels on the “spider” should be increased. This helps to increase engine power due to more complete exhaust gases and better fuel supply.
  • If there is a desire to supplement the engine with a compressor/supercharger, here you can be sure that the engine will achieve a power of about 250 l/s, and maybe even 300 l/s. In this case, of course, you cannot do without altering the carburetor, but the efforts made will be fully justified by the result obtained.
  • Another important nuance in changing the operation of the engine is refining the sound so that it becomes truly “cool”. This is achieved by converting the exhaust system to forward flow. Here it is worth considering that along with the bass, thanks to the direct-flow system, it will be possible to add about 10-15% to the engine power.

Lower arm repair

If the lower arm is slightly bent and no other damage is detected, then you can continue to operate the car, you just need to check the wheel alignment. Repair or replacement of this element of the front suspension is carried out in the following cases:

  • severe damage to the lower arm;
  • appearance of cracks.

To complete the work you will need the following tools:

  • set of open-end wrenches;
  • set of heads;
  • metal brush;
  • jack;
  • puller for pressing out silent blocks;
  • device for removing ball joints;
  • mounting blade;
  • penetrating liquid;
  • hammer;
  • vice.

Removing the lever

The need to dismantle the lower arm arises when the specified element fails to replace the axle or silent blocks.

Work order:

  1. Raise the front of the car. To do this, use a jack, but you can also use a lift.
  2. Remove the wheel.
  3. Unscrew the lower shock absorber mount.
  4. Loosen the nuts on the axle.
  5. Release the stabilizer pad mounting.
  6. Lightly load the suspension. To do this, you will need a reliable support, which is placed under the lever and the car is lowered slightly.
  7. Unscrew the nut on the support and press out the pin. This is done using a special puller.
  8. Unload the suspension. This must be done smoothly. Gently pull back the stabilizer to move it through the pin located on the lower arm.
  9. Remove the spring. To do this, it is pryed up and removed from the support cup.
  10. Unscrew the axle mounting bolts. Under them there are washers that are used to adjust the camber angle of the wheels. You need to remember their location, otherwise you will have to make adjustments again.
  11. Remove the lower arm. To do this, use a mounting spatula, which is used to gently press out the axle.

Video: sequence of dismantling the lower arm

Replacing the ball joint

You can replace the ball joint on the lower arm without removing it. Since we have already removed the lower arm, it will be much easier to change the ball joint on it:

  1. Clean the ball joint mounting nuts. This is done using a metal brush; you can also lubricate the threads with WD-40.
  2. Remove the support. To do this, unscrew the three fastening nuts and remove the indicated element. Carefully inspect the lever to detect possible damage and cracks.
  3. Install a new ball joint and tighten all nuts.

The new ball joint already comes with lubricant, so there is no need to lubricate it additionally. Some supports have an oil nipple in the lower part, through which you can additionally fill it with lubricant over time.

Video: replacing the ball joint

Replacing silent blocks

The sequence of work to replace silent blocks on the removed lower arm:

  1. The lever is securely fixed in a vice.
  2. Using a puller, the old hinges are pressed out.
  3. Inspect the lever for damage.
  4. One silent blocks are inserted. A puller is also used for this.
  5. The axle is inserted into the hole along with the washers.
  6. Press in the second hinge. They do this in the same way as in the previous case.

Video: replacing silent blocks

Experts recommend that after replacing the ball joint and silent blocks, use only new nuts.

Lever Installation

After repairing the lever body, replacing silent blocks or a ball joint, installation of the lower lever is performed in the reverse order:

  1. The axle and the lever are secured using bolts.
  2. The lower edge of the spring is installed in the support cup. After this, they begin to tighten the lower lever. Make sure that the stabilizer does not catch on the bushing.
  3. Insert the threaded part of the ball joint and fix the nut.
  4. Fix the stabilizer pad.
  5. Install the shock absorber and tighten the nut.
  6. Check the tightness of all nuts. They must be clamped securely and firmly.
  7. Install the wheels and remove the car from the jack.

At this point, the replacement of the lower arm is considered complete, and you can continue to operate the car safely and comfortably.

Video: installing the lower arm

By regularly inspecting the condition of the front suspension on the VAZ 2107, you can notice and eliminate any malfunctions in time. Even a novice car enthusiast can replace the lever, ball joint or silent blocks on his own. Keeping the suspension in good condition ensures not only comfortable, but also safe operation of the vehicle. The use of high-quality parts from trusted manufacturers will significantly increase their service life and repairs will need to be performed much less frequently.

Tuning the carburetor VAZ 2107

This is a necessary action when making changes to the S7 engine. Tuning the 2107 carburetor itself is not complicated, it can be done even in the kitchen of your own apartment, and the effect will be achieved immediately. What we mean here is that the built-in power of the Zhiguli engine has significantly greater performance, which, unfortunately, cannot be achieved without making changes. Necessary actions:

  • The first step is to remove the spring that connects the vacuum and the throttle valve. This will affect fuel consumption, approximately plus 0.5 liters, but the jerk of the car completely compensates for everything.
  • A similar procedure applies to the secondary chamber damper - using a thin wire, you need to make a drive directly from the lever directly to the damper.
  • The diffuser installed in the primary chamber is being replaced - from 3.5 to 4.5.
  • The nozzle in the accelerator pump can be increased to “40”. This will not affect fuel consumption, but the start will be significantly faster.
  • Next, the main jets are replaced. It is recommended to do this in increasing order, first installing a jet marked GTZ-162, ride it, get used to it, and look at the behavior of the engine. At the same time, if fuel consumption increased by 1 liter does not cause concern, you can install a GVZh-190 jet. Next, even cooler: replacing the primary chamber jet for a 1.5 liter engine - GTZ-130; for 1.6 liters - GTZ-135.

Helpful advice It is important not to forget about the individuality of each engine; increasing the jets should be done gradually. Otherwise, it will simply be filled with gasoline, fuel consumption will increase, and the opposite effect will occur.

There is also a warning that is better to heed: from some craftsmen you may hear a recommendation to organize a pressurized air supply into the air intake. This is absolutely impossible to do. The reason is intensive wear of the engine, and, accordingly, its failure. In this case, the air filter will not be able to cope with cleaning the air from dust, and the air pressure itself will practically not increase.

Tuning the suspension of the VAZ 2107

If serious tuning of the car is planned, and not its simple repair, the presence of a factory suspension on it is unacceptable. Let it remain only in memories, and not the best ones. But what needs to be done is to replace the shock absorbers, it is better to choose good German quality, but in the front part it is better to make the rod 2 centimeters shorter, tuning the rear suspension of the VAZ 2107 involves lowering them by 4 centimeters compared to the factory ones. This will keep the pre-force of the shock absorbers unchanged.

Next, the springs are replaced; it is recommended to install spare parts from Niva. Only at the front you will have to get rid of one coil, and on the rear springs you will have to remove two coils. To make the car stable in the transverse direction, the number of stabilizers is increased to three, while at the front it is better to pair two stabilizers on one side.

Using adjustable transverse and longitudinal rods, the parallelism of the axles and the adjustment of camber and wheel toe are adjusted. After all the actions taken, the “seven” acquired a completely different look: it looked more crouched to the ground.

Next, changes are made to the steering, or more precisely, to the steering column. It’s easier to remove the factory one and again install a spare part from the Niva. The alteration can be called minimal, and you won’t need a lot of money, besides, installing an electric booster is available. Of course, you will have to do some adjustment of the electric amplifier to the speaker, but these are not difficult steps. In order to facilitate the operation of the amplifier, it is better to use needle bearings for the steering sector, and ordinary ball bearings for the pendulum arm.

Useful advice When working on car suspension, in any case, work must be carried out with great care. Personal safety and the lives of others depend on this; you especially need to remember this when reworking the steering.

↑ Tuning VAZ 21074 with your own hands

Owners of the VAZ 21074 often do tuning after several thousand kilometers or if they want to improve their car.

↑ Financial side of the issue

If you have a limited financial limit, do not be upset, because this is not a big problem - spare parts for VAZ are inexpensive. If you have the desire, time and energy, then you will need a little patience, and soon you will be able to feel like the owner of a prestigious foreign car.

↑ Engine and carburetor tuning

Starting with the carburetor, first of all it is necessary to completely disassemble it, while firmly securing the lower part of the body on a workbench, in this case a lot of time is saved. Smoothly expanding the diffusers with large sandpaper, select their size depending on engine size, personal preferences, and common sense.

For those who want to achieve engine flexibility, it is better to immediately assemble the carburetor and install it in the car; you just need to carefully select the jets, since most often the factory data is intended for this.

If you plan to install a low resistance filter, it is better to do this after you have dealt with the carburetor.

Be sure to make sure that everything is assembled correctly and start the engine, but this may not work right away. But if the assembly is correct, after adjusting the accelerator and choke, the engine will start.

Do-it-yourself tuning of the 2107 interior

Improvements to the engine, brakes and suspension of the car are, of course, undoubted advantages for the “seven”. But, nevertheless, tuning will not be considered complete if the interior of the car is left without attention. This is a place that is always in sight, it makes a certain impression on passengers, and the owner himself has to spend a lot of time in the car admiring the results of his work.

First you need to update the interior trim. Not every driver will be able to independently make new seat covers or reupholster the interior with leather, so you will most likely have to turn to a specialist for help. The choice of material for work depends on personal financial capabilities.

Many who do the work themselves prefer to replace the chairs. Typically, models are selected that are equipped with armrests and have lateral support.

It is recommended to install electric windows on the side doors and replace the handles.

The instrument panel usually undergoes major changes. It is preferable to replace it with a new one altogether.

It's worth considering replacing your music equipment. It is better to match the color of the acoustics to the color of the new upholstery material in the cabin. To do this, you should first consider samples of possible solutions in the photo.

Useful advice It should be taken into account that the factory generator is not able to cope with the loads generated by all the installed additional equipment, including lighting decorations. It is better to immediately plan to replace it, at least with an 80-amp one.

Another little trick has to do with the original design of the curtains hung on the windows. This requires a minimum of time and financial investment, but the effect can be created to the maximum.

Installing an injector on a VAZ 2107 with your own hands

We could not ignore such an important and sensitive issue, which can greatly increase the power of the 7 engine and please its car enthusiast. Below are approximate instructions with all the operations for switching from a carburetor to an injector in a classic. It is worth saying that everything described below is quite suitable for other engines of the classic VAZ family.

So, you have the entire kit in your hands and therefore we arrange it around the periphery of the engine compartment. 1. Place the ignition coil or module under vacuum. The fact is that this is the best place where there are low vibrations and less heating, which will ensure long-term operation of the equipment.

2. Install the front cover under the crankshaft position sensor (214 or 2123 to choose from). If you decide to try the second option, you will have to raise the fan a little higher. 3. We install the electric fuel pump on the side member or directly into the fuel tank. We recommend using the Volga kit. Don’t forget to connect the positive wire to the control unit, which we will install later.

4. You need to make a special adapter for the fuel pressure regulator from any turner you know. Now you can tuck all the hoses into the tank. Leave the vacuum tube.

5. We solder the fuel return pipe tightly to a special pad by drilling and also using soldering acid. 6. We install a speed sensor, which is characterized by a 6-pulse operating mode. It's easy and simple to do. 7. We mount the hub nut under the lambda probe by welding. 8. Now let’s estimate the length of the electrical wiring so that all the necessary wiring is supplied with a reserve. We process all the tips with a soldering iron and tinning. 9. We wash the injectors with the ramp, all the hoses and the filter. We do this procedure together. 10. Remove the standard ignition and everything connected with it. 11. We drain the antifreeze, and also install a tee under the pump and a coolant temperature sensor. 12. We make the inlet channels with a file so that their shape resembles an egg-type roundness. We put foam rubber or rags in each of the channels so that the chips do not get inside.

13. Drill holes and cut threads for new manifold studs. 14. We make a 10x1.5 thread and plugs with the same thread for a flat-head screwdriver. These will be the antifreeze drain channels. 15. Install a new manifold with a gasket adjusted to the shape of the channels.

16. Now we install the ramp and injectors, as well as the receiver. We also install the throttle, idle air control, TPS, inlet hose and breather pipe. 17. We connect all sensors.

Here are the main operations we considered. Of course, it’s a little superficial, but the algorithm will be clear to you. Of course you will have to tinker, but the effect is worth it.

Tuning the dashboard of VAZ 2107

In order to make changes to the design or appearance of the instrument panel, it will first have to be disassembled. Using a screwdriver, carefully remove the instrument needles. To remove them, it is better to use pliers, but in order not to damage the rod, do not sharply pull them up. The needles are removed from the speedometer and tachometer.

  • The scale of one and the other instrument is scanned. The production of additional scales can be organized using a computer or purchasing ready-made templates.
  • The scales are printed and laminated with thick film. After this, holes are cut out and ironed between several sheets of white paper.
  • Similar to removal, in the reverse process, the manufactured scales are installed in place of the previous ones.
  • When working on instruments, you should think about using backlighting. First of all, you need to take care of removing filters from large devices.
  • The tachometer and speedometer are removed from the panel. The light filters in the amount of 4 pieces and the shutters located near the light bulbs in the amount of 2 pieces are removed.
  • The diodes are glued to the sealant. Diode wires are inserted through pre-prepared holes and soldered to the power paths of conventional light bulbs.
  • Installation in the car is carried out.

Blue LEDs look impressive. When choosing a lens shape, it is recommended to take a closer look at the “funnel”; it scatters light better, and the blue color itself creates the effect of a luminous scale and arrows. To replace standard lamps, you will need 4 LED and one diode lamp.

When planning to tune a VAZ 2107 torpedo, you should think about installing a new dashboard. But you shouldn’t discard the option of refining the old one.

It is possible to use decorative inserts for devices. To do this, the edge is flared, the rim is removed, the device is disassembled and the scale is replaced.

Making changes to the appearance of the instrument panel requires carefully sticking the material onto the panel; the work is accompanied by cutting out holes for the instruments. After the fastening of the material is completed, all unnecessary elements are removed.

Tuning seats VAZ 2107

Unlike earlier VAZ Seven models, the factory was equipped with anatomically shaped seats and headrests connected to the backrest. The front seats of the VAZ 2107 are quite fragile and quickly fail - the frame breaks, the backrests warp, and the upholstery wears off.

Standard VAZ 2107 seats are not particularly ergonomic or durable

On our “seven” the seats were exactly like this: wobbly and creaky. The adjustment mechanism also constantly jammed - before adjusting it to suit you, you had to spend a lot of effort.

The easiest way to tune seats is to install covers. Covers for VAZs are sold in almost any auto store; custom-tailoring is also possible.

Installing seat covers on the VAZ 2107 improves the appearance of the interior

Seat trim for VAZ 2107

After upholstering the seats, the interior of the car becomes very attractive. For this you can use:

  • genuine leather;
  • leatherette;
  • suede;
  • velvet;
  • velours;
  • flock;
  • carpet;
  • alcantara.

Natural leather is undoubtedly the most durable. But as you know, this is a very expensive material, and in hot weather it is uncomfortable to sit on leather seats. The most budget-friendly and fairly reliable upholstery is made from Alcantara and velor. Therefore, these materials are most widely used among car enthusiasts.

Based on the purpose of tuning and financial capabilities, you can do a complete reupholstery of the interior, including the ceiling, door trim, sun visors, steering wheel, and dashboard.

After you decide on the type of material, you need to choose its color. Traditionally, seat upholstery is made in the same color as the interior upholstery, but a harmonious combination of different shades can make the car interior more original and attractive.

The seats of the VAZ 2107, covered with artificial leather, look representative

Video: self-upholstery of VAZ 2107 seats

Changing seat mountings

When installing non-original seats on the “seven”, a situation may arise that the seats do not fit the mounts. In this case, you will have to resort to welding.

Experts believe that any seats that fit the dimensions can be installed on the “seven”. However, changing their mounting is a very labor-intensive job, so if possible, it is better to choose seats that do not require welding for installation.

Anyone who has ever driven a classic remembers well and knows which seats are in the front. In my case, taking into account the fact that the car is 20 years old, the seats have become unsuitable for use. After some thought, I decided to take a more complicated and expensive route, namely installing seats from a used foreign car. In general, I ended up taking it from the Passat, but only the front ones. In general, when I bought the chairs, I basically knew that the fastenings of the vv and the vase were different and very, very different. As you already understood, there were problems with this. We thought for a long time about how to get out of the situation and came to the conclusion that we needed to make some kind of swap of the sleds from the old chairs with new seats. In general, we started by completely cutting off the stand, the one near the tunnel, and making a new one in order to achieve the same level as the one near the door. When I brought them to the chairs, there were ears for fastening wheels for the sled, but they were too long (to be installed to the floor) and I had to cut them off and sacrifice the driver’s seat elevator mechanism. It’s unpleasant, of course, but what can you do?


Installation of seats from another car on a VAZ 2107

Seat covers are a great tuning option, but if they are already loose, they will have to be replaced. On the “seven” you can install both new original seats and seats from foreign cars. Seats from a 1996 Mercedes W210 and a 1993 Toyota Corolla are suitable. Seats from SKODA and Fiat are suitable, but to install them you will need to make two additional holes.

In addition to the above, Peugeot and Nissan seats are used, but they do not match and require modification of the fastening. The seats from Volkswagen fit almost without modifications, but they are too high for the VAZ 2107, therefore, despite the increased comfort, installing them is not recommended.

Peugeot seats fit the VAZ 2107, but to install them you need to slightly modify the fastening mechanism

Replacing seats is considered a change to the design of the vehicle and, in accordance with Russian legislation, requires mandatory registration with the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate.

Tuning the VAZ 2107 stove

Many owners of the “Seven” express dissatisfaction with the operation of the heating device. Refining the stove will help solve this problematic issue. To do this, you don’t have to purchase specialized tools; improvised tools are quite suitable.

Judging by the reviews, the stove radiator gives off enough heat and there is no need to resort to improving it, but what is worth working on is improving the airflow.

First of all, you need to seal the air ducts: here you need to pay attention to the joints.

The simplest tuning, which does not require any design changes, is to replace the standard fan motor with the one used in the “eight” or “nine”. This motor is characterized by high power and increased speed. To install it, you will have to modify the stove body - remove the comb designed to direct air flow to the feet.

The impeller is kept original, you just need to drill a 7 mm hole intended for the motor shaft.

For such an upgrade, you will also need to replace the resistor with a switch taken from the same car model from which the motor was taken. These are mandatory conditions for the changes to be effective.

Tuning doors VAZ 2107

The design of the "seven" doors is not particularly complex. But, still, it is worth paying attention to the locking mechanism. This refers to the installation of locks with a locking system. In addition, many people know the sound of doors closing in domestic cars compared to foreign cars.

Door structures and locks themselves are of great importance here. In the latest models of VAZ cars, the locking mechanism is hidden inside the doors, and a wear-resistant material like polyurethane is applied to the locking tongue. On old VAZs, the lock is mounted on the outside of the door, as are other parts. During contact in the process of closing metal to metal, an unpleasant metallic sound occurs.

But there is still a way out. Domestic manufacturers produce silent locks, as well as silent bolts. They are sold in pairs, fit most cars of the VAZ family and are not very expensive.

Tuning the hood of VAZ 2107

It is proposed to consider creating an individual shape of the hood cover using certain types of materials and simple tools.

  • First, a foam mold is laid out on the existing lid. This is not a difficult task - foam plastic does not present any difficulties in use.
  • Next, the foam is wrapped in aluminum foil; if necessary, aluminum tape is also used - this is necessary to prevent damage and deformation of the foam from exposure to the resin.
  • The areas where the fiberglass and the hood come into contact are cleaned. If this point is ignored, the materials simply will not stick to each other. Only after this procedure is completed, glass fiber and resin are applied to the surface of the product.
  • It takes time for the resin to harden, after which a thin layer of putty is applied to shape it. To avoid cracking, do not apply putty in a thick layer.
  • To level the surface, excess putty must be removed: for this, an emery cloth is used.
  • The hood is painted and the quality of its appearance is determined.
  • Next is re-wrapping the surface of the part using fiberglass and subsequent treatment with resin. The process is repeated 4-5 times.
  • Once the resin has finished curing, the created mold is detached from the old hood sample. The same process can be used to create the shape of the rear trunk lid.
  • The surfaces are leveled, treated with putty, and prepared for painting.
  • Before the painting procedure, the part must be tried on, defects eliminated, and gaps checked.
  • To give the hood lid additional rigidity, aluminum strips are added to the inside.
  • Paint is applied, time is waited, and the finished part is installed at the mounting points.

Tuning the radiator grille of VAZ 2107

The radiator grille is one of the main components to which tuning is applied. This can be explained by the fact that the designers and constructors did not take into account during development the fact of intense corrosion formation and the appearance of rust on the hood. This drawback is largely due to the shape of the product itself.

In addition, the grille definitely represents the “face” of the vehicle, so motorists strive to tune the VAZ 2107 grille and give it the most original look. It is possible to purchase a ready-made product in a specialized store. Here they are presented in chrome, with a matte finish of any color. No special knowledge or effort is required for installation; installation is carried out in old places with reliable fixation.

Another way is to do the work yourself using the necessary materials and tools. For work you need: a jigsaw, scissors, cardboard or plastic, fiberglass, tape, polystyrene foam, epoxy glue. The removed standard lattice is used as a mold to create a new product.

  • The shape of the central part of the workpiece is cut out with a jigsaw.
  • Using plastic or cardboard, a contour is drawn around the inside of the workpiece. This creates the lattice shape.
  • Next, the steps are identical to creating a new car hood shape.

Tuning the interior of the VAZ-2107

Installation of timing belt Hyundai Accent 16 valves.
"Hyundai Accent", replacing the timing belt with your own hands: a complete guide, features and recommendations So, tuning the interior of the VAZ-2107. It is much more pleasant and comfortable to be in a beautiful salon, because both your mood and attitude towards the driving process directly or indirectly depend on this. Tuning the interior of a VAZ-2107 may include various manipulations.

Most Seven car owners are dissatisfied with the steering wheel. Even the one that comes in cars produced in the last 2 years. Drivers complain that with such a steering wheel, driving a car becomes much more difficult; driving does not bring pleasure, but only causes discomfort. Therefore, this problem requires improvement. Most owners change the steering wheel to a smaller one.

Improvement is also really needed in the area of ​​seat upholstery. Naturally, sitting will not become more comfortable, but the appearance will be much better. As an option, you can purchase ready-made kits for upholstery of seats. Kits from the 1993 Toyota Corolla are well suited to the “Seven”. Another option is to simply buy the material and replace the seat trim using special glue. The dashboard can be covered with materials of different composition and color. It all depends on the personal preferences of the car owner.

Conversions can be made regarding the rear view mirror. In this case, everything is simple: attach a new large mirror to the standard one. The next step in improving the car could be replacing the sun visors with tuning ones.

It often happens that there is not enough space in the cabin to distribute all sorts of little things; there is simply nowhere to put them or place them. To eliminate this problem, you can do the following: ready-made kits with various stands and pockets are available for sale, which will be an excellent addition to the dashboard.

Don't forget about the audio system. For lovers of high-quality sound, the car interior should be equipped with a good audio system that will turn the driving process into a pleasure.

The improvement in the trunk also cannot be ignored. Many owners of Sevens and VAZ-2105 resort to fairly simple methods of converting the trunk. Often you create a raised floor for the trunk with your own hands. To do this, you need ordinary boards, which need to be connected in such an order that you get a convenient design with compartments, sectors, into which you can then place various objects, so that there is order in the trunk. In addition, many resort to welding the spare wheel into the trunk floor (suitable for both VAZ-2105 and VAZ-2107), gluing special material for sound insulation (this is mainly necessary if a subwoofer is placed in the luggage space - this way the sound becomes cleaner and better quality).

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