Pneumatic pistol Makarov Baikal MP 654K 32

Characteristics and features of the MP-654K-32 air pistol

This model has been produced at the famous Izhevsk Mechanical Plant for 18 years. During this period, while remaining a complete copy of the Makarov combat pistol, the MP-654K-32 air pistol underwent a number of changes. In particular, the modified model is made of real combat steel, which does not contain any light alloy impurities. Thus, it has excellent reliability and durability.

We have in stock a modification of the MP-654K-32 “Borodach” with a narrow bakelite handle, similar to the combat model.

Design features:

  • the barrel diameter has been increased to 10 mm;
  • the gun has a cylinder tightening screw without a ring;
  • a polished bolt frame is used;
  • when equipping a pistol with a can, a secret clamping screw is provided, hidden by a clip;
  • The clip itself has an improved and thinner design.

The MP-654K-32 manufactured at Izhmekh is disassembled and assembled in exactly the same way as its combat counterpart. All this allows us to consider this weapon as an ideal option for self-defense, sports and amateur shooting and hunting.

When using this model, it is necessary to take into account a number of points that require increased attention from the shooter. Thus, the pistol is not placed on the slide stop when firing. You can get acquainted with all modifications of pistols of the MP-654K-32 series in the photos presented in the store catalog.

Technical characteristics of MP-654K-20

The history of weapons allows us to understand what goal the engineers set for themselves, and whether they managed to achieve it. But this information says little about the weapon itself. To conduct a more detailed review of the MP-654K-20 air pistol, you will need to look at its weapons passport in the “Technical Specifications” section:

Caliber4.5 mm
Barrel length93.5 mm
Barrel typethreaded
Ammunition typelead balls
Magazine capacity13
Shot speedup to 110 m/s
Rate of fire60 rounds per minute
Power3.5 J
Aimfront sight, dovetail
Energy sourcegas cylinder (12 grams)
Weight730 grams

What can you say by looking at these indicators? The weapon is 100% not intended for hunting, since it has a fairly low muzzle energy and bullet speed. But a pistol can be purchased without a license (power up to 7.5 J). It should also be noted that the pneumatic analogue of the Makarov is much lighter than the combat model, which allows it to be successfully used by both boys and girls. Well, don’t forget about the presence of a dovetail sighting bar (11 millimeters), which makes it possible to install any modifications you want on the weapon.

Recommendations for saving power BAIKAL MP-654K-32

Since the assembly technology and quality characteristics of this pistol are similar to the combat model, you can experience all the benefits of using the model if you follow a number of recommendations from the manufacturer. To extend the life of a weapon and ensure its high efficiency, it is necessary:

  • Do not make significant efforts when installing the gas cylinder. To install it, you do not need to use any tools or devices;
  • the weapon should not remain charged for more than 12 hours, because this can lead to damage to the locking and sealing rings;
  • To care for weapons, only types of oils specially designed for this purpose should be used, otherwise damage to the sealing rubber may occur;
  • You should not leave the pistol without first putting the safety on and removing the gas cartridge from the magazine;
  • weapons must be stored only in a steel safe, preventing access by unauthorized persons and children.

Remember that only domestically produced models have all the indicated advantages of this type of weapon.

In our online store you can purchase a Makarov MP-654K-32 air pistol on the most favorable terms!

Pneumatic pistol Makarov MP-654K

Pneumatic pistol Makarov MP 654K

- the famous gas-cylinder analogue of the combat PM. It stands out sharply from the whole variety of such pneumatics due to its quality of manufacture and the materials used. These weapons are made at a mechanical plant in Izhevsk, in the same place where firearms are made, and from the same weapon-grade steel.

In terms of the functioning of the external mechanics, the Makarov air pistol is very similar to a military weapon, and this gives it even more charm. The double-action trigger and safety operate as on the PM, including the smooth release of the cocked hammer when the safety is turned on.

The MP-654K has a working bolt stop, a similar procedure to the combat “dad”, the procedure for disassembling and reassembling, and the same magazine latch. The store itself is an all-steel block that combines a cell for 13 steel round bullets, a gas cylinder and a valve.

Any lover of air guns who is considering which Makarov pistol to buy simply cannot help but consider this wonderful model as an option, because the all-steel MP-654 K, in addition to the fact that it will serve reliably for as long as desired, is also of interest due to its almost unlimited scope for tuning and upgrade.

Buying an MP-654K pistol means purchasing an extremely reliable item, which in the foreseeable future will not lose its relevance for any category of people interested in weapons; such a gift will please any man. It is worth noting that the combat PM will be the most popular short-barreled weapon in Russia and the CIS for a long time, so for acquiring basic pistol shooting skills, such pneumatics are ideal.

In terms of the totality of its qualities, this model is undoubtedly the best Makarov air pistol that exists today, which fully justifies its price.

Why buy from us?

  • The warranty for this product is 10 years, instead of the usual 12 month warranty;
  • We are the official service center of the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant;
  • Our specialists know their business well and will be happy to advise you.

Tuning for the Makarov MP-654K air pistol

You can also purchase accessories for this model for improvement and make replacements yourself.
If you do not want to waste your time on re-equipment, you can use the services of our craftsmen. These services can be divided into improvements in appearance and power. Improving the appearance - grinding, bluing. A small modification or a more significant one is possible.

Power indicators can be increased to 180 m/s.

Can also be upgraded to use Hunter Signal ammo.

Spare parts for tuning:

  • Smooth barrel with extension (false silencer);
  • Attachment for triggering the hunter's signal on the MP-654K;
  • Striker (drummer) MP-654 extended;
  • Valve body MP-654K with a screw and a groove for the hook, bored;
  • PTFE barrel gasket MP-654K for a nut with a groove;
  • PTFE barrel gasket MP-654K for a nut without a groove;
  • And others.

What can be purchased additionally?

  • Balls 4.5 mm;
  • Targets;
  • Accessories for lubrication and cleaning;
  • 12g CO2 cylinders;
  • Holsters;
  • LTC (laser target designators).


The design of the MP-654K-32 model also received several minor changes that do not affect the technical characteristics, but may be in demand when using the weapon. Here are just three of the most significant ones, as stated by the manufacturer himself:

  1. The gas cylinder is now equipped with a screw for tightening. Many users have complained that when changing the power source, there is a loss of power. Now this problem is completely solved, but do not tighten the screw too tightly so as not to strip its thread.
  2. The pistol is equipped with a built-in sound moderator. This system greatly reduces the noise produced during a shot. The moderator is hidden in the body, so its presence does not in any way affect the appearance of the weapon.
  3. Handle with improved ergonomics. Finally, the pneumatic Makarov was equipped with a bakelite handle, instead of the classic plastic one, making it much more pleasant to hold the pistol in your hand.

As for those parts that have not undergone changes, everything is quite simple: the same semi-automatic system for feeding a cartridge into the barrel, the same mechanism for adjusting the rigidity of the trigger, the same dovetail sighting bar for installing a body kit.

Recommendations for purchasing MP-654K

Unfortunately, a large set of manufacturing defects, often accompanying the pneumatic version of the legendary Makarov, the MP-654K, which appeared on the CO2 pistol market in 1998, gave it a bad reputation as a “semi-finished product” that cannot be used without serious modifications.

However, it should be noted that not everything is as bad as it seems. Most problems can be easily avoided if you have basic knowledge and care when purchasing an Izhevsk product. And if you don’t manage to become the owner of an ideal sample, then you can choose at least one that is quite suitable for use and with minimal “assault” in the future.

So, in order. The first thing I usually do with any purchase in order to avoid unnecessary hassle in the future is to ask the seller about the possibility of replacing the purchased product within a few days (ideally 2 weeks) if I wish (that is, even if there are no arguments like - marriage, etc., but I just didn’t like it). This is a very important point, since what you consider to be a defect or flaw in your sample (identified, of course, at home) may not turn out to be such for the seller, and you will hear in response something like: “... they are all like that...” . Secondly, be sure to make sure that this retail outlet still has some quantity of this product. If the seller offers the last sample (usually from a display), it is better to refrain from buying and wait for a new supply or look elsewhere. Sometimes it happens that the seller doesn’t let you choose at all, saying “salo yak salo...” - politely refuse and leave from there.

You finally decided to buy. In this case, pick up the copy offered to you and begin to carefully examine it. Inspect the entire surface. Everything should be neat - without chips or nicks. All visible seals must be intact and without deformation. Examine the front sight. It should look like a rectangle through the rear sight slot.

The rear sight should be without distortions and parallel to the ground when aiming. If it is strongly shifted to one side relative to the aiming line on the bolt, then most likely when shooting you will hit to the left or right of the desired point.

Press the cylinder screw against the clip with your little finger and shake the gun. No knocking should be heard. Usually the bolt, the loose trigger, and the loosely fitting clip rattle. If everything is quiet, remove the clip and smoothly insert it back. And so on several times. The clip should fit tightly with little effort and a clearly audible click of the latch. We take the pistol in one hand with the handle up. With the other hand, holding the inserted clip by the cylinder screw, we try to slightly rock it in different directions and in different planes (i.e. back and forth; left and right; up and down, etc.). There should be no play in a tightly fitting holder. Try pressing your thumbnail into the valve stem. If it works, this is a big plus for your sample (it will affect the power). If it doesn’t work out, don’t worry either.

Fire several shots without loading a clip, both with and without pre-cocking. The descent should be more or less smooth in both phases. Although this is rare. You can always improve the descent later if you wish. If no other serious defects are found, in principle, you can take this copy and also check the tightness of the valve.

Valve tightness check

It is better to prepare for it by first purchasing or bringing with you neutral gun oil (or a fast-penetrating lubricant such as WD40).

You put the adapter on the domestic spray can or take an imported one (I don’t recommend it when checking, because it is expensive). Insert it into the holder and, making sure that there are no distortions, tighten the screw. Often this operation is performed by the seller. Your task is to drop oil onto all possible gas leaks and see that it does not bubble like a geyser. It would be possible, of course, to check by ear, but, as a rule, the surrounding noise prevents this from being done.

Another desirable check, unfortunately, requires some skill on your part and loyalty on the part of the seller. It is necessary to remove the bolt and inspect the barrel, placing a white sheet of paper on the breech side so that there are no chips, scratches, etc., and also inspect the barrel seal. In other matters, small scratches are unlikely to seriously damage shooting, since the diameter of the BB ball is 4.4 mm, and the internal diameter of the barrel is 4.5 mm. The exception is “Round” type bullets, which are very similar to BB, but are made of lead and have a caliber 4.5 mm.

And yet, the variety of bolt shapes amazes the mind, sometimes they are ground into a cone on the side of the barrel, sometimes with an ejector window, sometimes without... and sometimes they will install them from a combat PM.

If everything suits you, check the contents and go pay for your purchase. Good luck with your choice!

Advantages and disadvantages of the model

Despite the fact that the MP-654K-32 model turned out to be slightly better than its predecessor, it is still not without some shortcomings. However, you should not perceive them as huge disadvantages that should discourage a person from purchasing. Most of them can be fought, and some are completely invisible to an amateur. In addition, all the disadvantages are completely offset by the advantages of the weapon. More detailed information can be found in the table below:

Excellent appearance (the weapon is an exact copy of the Makarov pistol)High price (despite the fact that the model turned out better than its predecessor, its cost still seems overpriced)
Good technical characteristics (give good penetrating force)The sound moderator, although it muffles the sound of a shot, is still not good enough to call shooting comfortable
Possibility to install modern modifications (both on the barrel and under it)It is recommended to re-open the weapon and use a higher quality lubricant before firing.
Quality and reliability (the best materials were used in creation)Narrow focus (the pistol is mainly used for sports or recreational shooting)

However, if the listed shortcomings cause too much inconvenience, you can try to correct them at home. For example, it is always possible to install a more powerful gas cylinder to increase the muzzle velocity. Well, the problem with high noise levels is eliminated by installing a muffler or a high-quality moderator.

Izhmekh MR-654K-32 “Borodach” (Russia)

14990.00 rub.

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  • Charge capacity:
    13 balls
  • Caliber:
    4.5 mm
  • Initial bullet speed:
    125 m.s.
  • Energy source:
    CO2 canister 12g
  • Weight:
    0.7 kg

New from the Izhevsk plant! New Makarov MP-654K air pistol! For the first time with a beard.

An updated version of the Makarov air pistol. Changes affected the bolt and pistol grip. Now the MP 654K air pistol has even more similarities with its combat prototype - the Makarov pistol.

MP-654K-32 (300th series) This pistol is converted specifically from the Makarov combat pistol. The shooting characteristics of the presented pistol are practically no different from the previously produced MP-654 . Here are some main differences from the previous model: 1. The pistol bolt has the correct so-called beard; 2. Wide anti-glare; 3. Oval window for cartridge ejector; 4. I cut under the ejector itself; 5. 10/17 notches on the sides of the bolt; 6. All chamfers along the edges of the shutter have been removed; 7. The bolt itself is forged, not cast; Also, all pistols of the 32 series or, as it is often called, the 300 series, have a figured trigger guard and a bakelite handle from a combat PMA. The MP-654-32 initially has a hidden clamping screw, which makes this pistol as similar as possible to its combat counterpart. It is the appearance of this pistol that greatly facilitates visual tuning, which has virtually no boundaries. The possibilities for internal tuning are also great; the bullet speed of this pistol can be increased to 180 m/s. By purchasing this pistol, you can learn the basics of handling weapons. Partial/complete disassembly is carried out in the same way as on a combat pistol. This pistol is distinguished by its reliability and durability, because it is entirely made of weapon-grade steel. The MP-654K-32 will be an excellent gift for any man interested in weapons.

A popular gas-cylinder analogue of the Makarov pistol. An ideal weapon for gaining initial skills in handling weapons and having fun shooting. The appearance of the weapon, mechanical strength, structural reliability, ease of handling and the quality of manufacturing and assembly of all parts and assemblies of the weapon are identical to the PM. The trigger mechanism of the pistol allows firing both self-cocking and with pre-cocking. When the weapon is put on safety with the hammer cocked, the hammer is safely released, similar to the prototype. The firing device - the magazine, the valve and the carbon dioxide cartridge form a single separate unit, which is inserted into the handle, similar to the magazine. For shooting, steel spherical bullets are used, 8 or 12 gram CO2 cans of domestic and foreign production are used.

The MP-654k has many modifications and differences when released: in reliability, appearance, individual parts of the pistol, the presence of a “beard” like the original, bakelite handle cheeks, color, texture, etc.

The MP-654k is produced at the same plant as the combat PM. Given this proximity, the undoubted advantage of a pneumatic replica is the use of original spare parts. Other manufacturers cannot boast of this.

The MP 654K-32 version (300th series) is as close as possible to the combat PM, with the exception of sandblasting of the bolt frame, which gives it a certain external dullness and roughness. In fact, the power is slightly lower than declared, but the internal tuning possibilities are very great; the ball speed of this gun can be increased to 180 m/s.

Accuracy is generally better than other air pistols.

- one can of CO2 is enough for 60-70 shots, although after 40 shots the power of the shot decreases and the ball barely pierces a beer can from a few meters. The first shots from a fresh cylinder hit the target at a distance of up to 7-10 meters, then it gets worse. From 5-7 meters you can easily hit an empty CO2 cartridge if you adapt to the tight trigger and the weight of the pistol. Shooting at cans and bottles at an average distance is not difficult even for girls.

As you know, the first shot from 654 can be fired with the hammer cocked. This has a positive effect on accuracy. If several shots are required at a pace, then the subsequent ones will be self-cocking.

It is also known that it is not recommended to fire more than 3 - 4 shots in a row at a high tempo (due to the peculiarities of the valve mechanism). Approximately the 4th or 5th ball will still simply fall without reaching the target. So you should either take a long pause after the 3rd shot (it would be nice to determine this experimentally), or shoot at a low pace, and between all shots make a pause of 2-3 seconds (again, it would be good to clarify this). By the way, then you can use this time to cock the hammer before each shot, or to clarify the sight, or both.

In winter, it is necessary to remember that the can must be warm so that the pressure does not drop. The store design is perfect for this. You can also carry the gun itself in a warm place (under clothes, or in an insulated bag on your belt). Once the gun is exposed to air, you will need to act quickly before the can cools down. Then it will have to be warmed up again for a very long time.

In principle, the pistol performs its main function well, except that I would like an increase in accuracy (but here, unlike its Chinese competitors, there is scope for the use of one’s own hands, talent and desire). I am pleased with the prospect of long-term use, low cost and ease of repair.

Visually pleasing, quite reliable, incomplete disassembly and reassembly is identical to the original, fuse, self-cocking.

As a short summary of the above: the MP-654k is an excellent constructor for manual work; if handled well, it will go to your grandchildren, and getting in contact with dirt and multiple intentional falls on the asphalt will only give the model a more realistic combat look and a noticeable overall improvement in the performance of the structural components. In addition, this is one of the few models whose repair is almost recommended to be carried out at home - spare parts for pneumatics in gun shops are probably the only ones left for this model.

You will be 5+ satisfied with your purchase...


Caliber: 4.5 Bullet speed: 125 m/s Weight: 0.73 Barrel: Steel Gas cartridge (CO2): 8 or 12 g Pistol energy source: CO2 Clip volume: 13 explosive balls Pistol type: pneumatic Bullet type: steel spherical balloons

History of the pistol

The history of the origin of the MP-654K-32 pistol dates back to 2001, when IZHMASH engineers decided to develop a new air weapon that would be an exact external copy of the Makarov pistol, second only to the Kalashnikov assault rifle in terms of legend. Over the course of several years, the model received improvements and modifications until its technical characteristics and appearance became what we know them today.

How does the MP-654K-32 differ from the previous upgrade MP-654K-20? Firstly, the manufacturer considered it necessary to increase the diameter of the muzzle from 9 millimeters to 10, so that the pistol could be equipped with an additional choke of a new type. Secondly, the clip received a thinner, improved design, which reduced the weight of the weapon by several grams. Thirdly, the frame was replaced with a new polished sample of better quality.

To say that many fans of pneumatic guns were waiting for the “Bearded Man” would be an understatement. Within the first days after release, buyers bought up 80% of the goods, which is why IZHMASH had to increase production rates. However, there were many dissatisfied customers. In most cases, the manufacturer was criticized for raising the price of the pistol too much (the new model costs about 9,000, while the previous one can be purchased for only 7,000 rubles).

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