Types of hares and their habitat The white hare got its name due to the change in color of the summer
Some weapons work more effectively than others. Of course, the weapon itself is difficult
Interesting Facts. Unusual pistol safeties. In this article I would like to talk about the most
Bans on the use of cluster bombs Such unexploded ordnance is widely found after the use of cluster bombs
Return of Russian corvettes Marine collection No. 4 2004 A. Mozgovoy Last year at the Severnaya
The need for invention is cunning ]]> ]]> It’s just more convenient. |Photo: zagopod.com. The Maxim machine gun is not
Serbosek Serbosek (Croatian Srbosjek, literally - Serborez) - a blade on a rough leather glove.
Velodog Type pocket revolver Country Belgium Characteristics Weight, kg 0.3 kg Length, mm 119
T-100 (in a number of documents also Product 100 or simply 100) - an experienced Soviet double-turret
07/14/2014 Airborne reconnaissance Now that Western TV shows and films have flooded our media space, maybe