China is developing electromagnetic weapons, US intelligence finds

Electromagnetic weapons

(EMO) is a weapon in which a magnetic field is used to impart initial speed to the projectile, or the energy of electromagnetic radiation is used directly to hit the target. In the first case, a magnetic field is used as an alternative to explosives in firearms. The second uses the ability to induce strong high-voltage currents and disable electrical and electronic equipment as a result of the resulting overvoltage, or cause pain or other effects in humans. Weapons of the second type are positioned as safe for people and used to disable enemy equipment or render enemy manpower incapacitated; belongs to the category of non-lethal weapons.

History of electromagnetic weapons[edit]

A powerful electromagnetic pulse occurs during a nuclear explosion and is one of the damaging factors. The Americans encountered this in 1962 when testing a 1.4 megaton atomic bomb over one of the Pacific atolls: a side effect was obtained - electric lighting and telephone communications were turned off in the Hawaiian Islands.

In the 60s, academician Andrei Sakharov proposed a method for producing similar impulses during the explosion of conventional ammunition: if inside the exploding mass there is a coil with current that creates a magnetic field, sharp compression converts the energy of the explosion into the energy of an electromagnetic pulse. We call this ammunition an “explosive magnetic generator.”

Since then, work on electromagnetic pulse weapons has been actively carried out both here and in the West. This particular type of ammunition has been demonstrated at gun shows and even used in combat situations (such as during the Iraq War). Information about this is easy to find on the Internet, but the technical details are for official use only.

Those interested can look at the book “On seismic inductive sounding using explosive magnetic generators” - there are diagrams and formulas there. The book was published in Krasnoyarsk by the publishing house of the Siberian Federal University.

Alternative view

The US Air Force has released a report revealing that powerful advanced electromagnetic pulse (EMP) weapons have now been developed by countries such as the US, Russia, Iran and North Korea.

And that the last three countries on the list are enemies of the United States and therefore can use these weapons against Americans.

An electromagnetic pulse weapon, or electromagnetic weapon, is a weapon that uses a magnetic field to impart initial velocity to a projectile, or uses electromagnetic radiation energy directly to hit a target.

According to a report called the Electromagnetic Defense Task Force, hostile EMPs could destroy the power grid, melt down nuclear power plants and kill more than 4 million US residents, according to the Washington Examiner. And if it were used on the densely populated east coast, it would kill about 90% of the local residents.

“Based on the totality of available evidence, an electromagnetic attack could pose a threat to the United States, democracy, and global order,” the report said.

EMP weapons use light, lasers, invisible microwave radiation, and electromagnetic energy to shut down electricity. EMR can also manifest itself in natural phenomena such as solar storms, and artificially created EMR is already used in radars or nuclear weapons.

The report argues that the risk of an attack on the United States by Russia, Iran or North Korea is very high and that states should begin preparing to repel such an attack.
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If the US were to suffer an EMP, electricity would be lost, weapons would not work, 99% of nuclear reactors would likely melt down without the electricity to cool them, and more than 4 million people living near nuclear power plants would die from radioactive fumes.

“EMP can cause immediate and simultaneous loss of many technologies that rely on electrical power and computer circuitry, such as cell phones and GPS devices,” the report states.

Military and commercial aircraft would be unlikely to take off, bases would be cut off from each other, and the loss of power and GPS would make it nearly impossible to launch a counterattack. The US would not even be able to determine who launched the attack on them.

The authors of this report, Air Force Major David Stackenberg, former CIA Director James Woolsey and Colonel Douglas Demaio, want the US government to declare the threat of enemy EMP attack real.

Real facts about Russian electromagnetic weapons

As the RT website reported in October 2020, these weapons are actually being tested in Russia. In particular, we are talking about microwave guns, which are sources of ultra-high-frequency radiation and are capable of damaging electronics within a certain radius.

This type of weapon uses ultra-high frequency electromagnetic radiation (EMR) energy, which “burns out” or temporarily disables enemy electronics. In theory, this makes it possible to create a reliable layer of protection against aircraft, cruise missiles, drones and ground-based weapons.

Modeling the impact on enemy aircraft equipment by radio-electronic means.

Currently, the Radioelectronic Technologies (KRET) concern is working on the Alabuga system, within the framework of which a whole range of weapons is being created. In 2011-2012, scientists completed a cycle of scientific research, after which the project received the highest classification of secrecy. In this regard, there is little information about Alabuga.

Today, electromagnetic weapons still remain an experimental direction in the development of military thought. However, tests at test sites may indicate that KRET specialists managed to make a breakthrough in solving a number of key technological problems.

For the first time in the domestic scientific and technical literature, in the volume of one book, the theoretical foundations, physical mechanisms and operating principles of all known microwave devices and standard devices based on them, calculation and design methods, basic technological, circuitry and design features of each class of microwave are examined in detail. -devices, as well as the most common technical solutions for radio-electronic systems based on them, from radars and telecommunication devices for various purposes to microwave weapons for ground and space applications. The encyclopedia is compiled in two books and contains 18 chapters. Book 1 sequentially examines the following issues: the theoretical foundations of radar; the main stages in the history of the development of radar technology and microwave radio communications; features of the construction of systems for digital processing of radar signals on microprocessor complexes; subsurface sounding radars; antennas and antenna devices for radar and communications; features of the process of designing microcircuits for radars; theoretical foundations and standard technical solutions of both semiconductor and vacuum microwave electronics; Microwave weapons for ground and space purposes (including microwave complexes for countering high-precision weapons and the use of microwave pulses in protection against these weapons). Book 2 provides an analysis of the basic technologies of semiconductor microwave electronics; specialized semiconductor microwave devices for radars are considered; HF and microwave components for radar; methods and means of ensuring the reliability of radar and communication systems; radiophotonics and its applications in radar and telecommunication systems; features of measurements and analysis of microwave devices; methods for measuring electrophysical parameters of microwave electronics materials; radiation resistance of microwave devices; features of the design of radiation-resistant elemental base of microwave devices (silicon-germanium, CMOS and SOI microcircuits). The encyclopedia materials contain links to 1216 main and more than 170 additional sources of information used by the authors. This work can also serve as a universal reference guide for students, teachers, scientists and engineers specializing in the field of microwave electronics and its many applications.

Microwave weapons were demonstrated at an exhibition in China

At the end of November this year, at the tenth international air exhibition Airshow China, specialists were most amazed by an experimental unit called WB-1 from the Poly Group, a weapons company. She was amazed in every sense - she was recognized as both the most perfect and the most inhumane.

The ground-based installation, mounted on an army truck, is an advanced gyrotron first invented in the Soviet Union and now significantly upgraded by a research team at Beijing University of Science and Technology. A gyrotron is an electrovacuum device of microwave radiation with an electron beam that rotates at a cyclotron frequency in a very strong magnetic field.

The principle of operation of any microwave weapon is similar to the principle of operation of a microwave oven: the WB-1 installation generates directed radiation with a wavelength of ten millimeters due to the sequential amplification of the electron beam using vacuum tubes and a system of mirrors. The expected range of the installation is eighty meters, and the use of additional power sources will increase the impact range to one kilometer.

The principle of operation of WB-1 is such that microwave radiation instantly causes strong heating of the skin - the beam, entering the zone of such irradiation, causes very strong and sharp pain, heating the tissue fluid in the upper layers of the epithelium. According to the inventors, the effect of the installation feels like a burn without obvious damage to the skin - a person wounded by such a weapon immediately loses combat effectiveness. I wonder who these tests were carried out on. However, not only people will suffer from WB-1 - any metal objects, ammunition and weapons will also overheat under the influence of such rays.

The invention, which has already been dubbed the “pain ray,” is intended to become a substitute for a stun gun for large crowds of people, for example, it can be used at demonstrations and to prevent riots in the city.

An analogue of the Chinese installation called Active Denial System was developed in America in 2007, but the use of this type of weapon shocked many experts. The Active Denial System was considered an inhumane and even barbaric “instrument of torture,” and the program was discontinued. Doctors were also concerned about the side effects of the use of “pain rays”; their use could be accompanied by the risk of developing tumors and other serious dermatological diseases. According to military experts, microwave combat systems can be made more humane depending on their characteristics and method of use. Microwave weapons are considered one of the most promising types of weapons today, so developments in this area will continue in any case.

Film “Phantom” 2010.

Alien creatures that attacked Earth are hidden from the eyes of earthlings by a magnetic protective field.
Conventional weapons do not harm them. The hero of the film makes weapons from old microwave ovens that can harm space conquerors. Art director of the film “Phantom. The Darkest Hour” Denis Lishchenko designed the appearance of the device...

... and set a technical task. I needed to make this emitter according to a sketch from parts that are actually used in microwave ovens and other high-voltage devices. Denis referred to this when developing the appearance and, for convenience, made a foam cardboard mock-up.

Microwave for civilians: MR-1

Russian firearms lovers can rejoice, as the Kalashnikov concern has already presented a civilian version of a new model of sniper rifle. The MR-1 self-loading hunting rifle, based on the microwave rifle, is on its way. The civilian version differs from the military version in its shorter barrel length - 410 mm, respectively, shorter overall length - 859-919 mm (the butt is adjustable in length, the manufacturer promises models with both a fixed and side-folding butt) and weight - 4.3 kg .

The MR-1 rifle will use 10-round magazines compatible with the SVD models and the Tiger hunting carbine. The cost of the MR-1 rifle has not yet been officially announced, but on weapons forums they write that it will be in the range from 100 to 200 thousand rubles.

/Sergey Yuferev,

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