Throughout its history, humanity has created many types of piercing and cutting bladed weapons. In European countries
People have been collecting in Russia for a long time, but collecting ancient unusual things became especially popular with
An excerpt characterizing the Aviation Machine Gun - What, my lord? It must be now. You that? Hussarsky
Huys during the Russian Empire In 1712, Peter the Great also indicated the use of the approved
This term has other meanings, see Madsen. Light machine gun Madsen Madsen with
Tank troops are the striking force of the ground armed forces. Rod wax is universal: shows excellent
BA-64 is a Soviet light armored vehicle. The most massive and only serial Soviet all-wheel drive armored vehicle of the period
Classic halberd tips. Papal guard with a halberd. Halberd (German Hellebarde) - cold polearm
Anti-aircraft self-propelled gun ZSU-23-4 Shilka (USSR) At the end of the 50s. after adoption